This cutting machine is manufactured through our continuous quality assurance activity in our plant equipped with highly precise and modern technology machines. The PCM JET B-21 DUAL RPM is the heaviest and is totally a new concept engineered by us from our continuous research and development process. This concept provides two desirable speeds to the blades as required by them, enhancing the production capacity of up to 1,50,000 sq. ft. production as well as the segment life. This concept of DUAL RPM also reduces the electricity cost, thus, helping in reducing the granite cutting cost.

Technical Specifications

Blade Diameter (set) - 2.4/2.5
Beam Length (meter) - 8.7
Beam Width (mm) - 770
Suitable Cutting Length (feet) - 12
Cutting Depth (inch) - 42
Max Number Of Blades - 21
Max Horizontal Stroke (X Axis) - 3700
Slicing Storke (Y Axis) - 3000
Max Up Down Stroke (Z Axis) - 600
Main Motor Power - 150 HP / 1440 RPM
Trolley Size (Manual) - 10'x10' Fabricated By Iron Girder
Panel - Fully Automatic Computerized PLC & HMI Control System
Total Power - 150+7.5+2+5+10 HP

KEY Features

Sturdy Fabrication Design
to enhance better accuracy and machined to perfection for each components manufacturing in close tolerance.

Imported Linear Guideways
65 MM are used along with heavy duty gearbox and 5HP/1440 RPM ( Brake Motor) for transverse movement (X Axis) for the cutting feed to enhance fast, frictionless and precise movement of the saw.

Newly Designed Spindle Gear Box
having the Robust and Heavy Duty design for non-stop production.

Heavy Duty End Carriage
for whole bridge / machine movement (Y Axis) Fitted with dual reduction gear box, Forging Wheel for Smooth Run and Double side parallel Rack for Accurate Positioning for slab Thickness.

Hard Chrome Pipes
are used for frictionless Up-Down movement (Z Axis) which is hydraulically operated with 5HP motored Power-Pack.

Fully Automatic PLC controlled Panel
and an AC Drive (as optional) is designed with imported cables along with HMI to operate the machine.